Friday 10 June 2011

Let's Hear It For The Weekend!

What a week! Almost as tedious and frustrating as watching a week long episode of 'Married With Children'. Up to my head in articles to be written and ideas to be conjured up. So thank goody goodness for the week's end I say! Can't wait for the Friday night shenanigans to be had tonight - A cheeky red with the gang followed by a trip to the 50's style 'Ferry Road Diner' and back home to pillow up the lounge room, grab an extra cheeky wine (for... luck) and settle in to watch 'Perfume: Story of a murderer'. Patrick Suskind, I hope this movie stays true to your amazing work. Saturday study day all wound up with eco fashion parade Sunday. Aside from hitting up the books, a fantastic weekend to be had guys and dolls ;)

1 comment:

  1. This post disgusts me. How could you speak of Married With Children in such a way. You should be denied the right to free speech!
